Snell’s Law Song

Words by Marian McKenzie & Walter Smith 12-8-02

Tune: Sweet Betsy from Pike (traditional)


               C                      C                         G7            C

Come listen and learn, I’ve a story I tell,


     C                     Am                   G                         G7

I sing of the genius of Willebrord Snell


        C               Em                     F                         C

A mathematician who lived long ago


                  C                        C                                    G7                    C

In the Netherlands where the Rhine river does flow.


Willebrord van Roijen Snell


(Note that the first name is actually pronounced “Villbrort”, but in the song is pronounced “Vill-e-brort”.)




          C                       C                  G7                     C

He set for his mind occupations of worth,


          C                     Am                      G                            G7              

Improved navigation and measured the Earth!


          C                      Em                            F                       C

He gave us the sine law, that wonderful guy,


                   C                                C                 G7                 C

And he made more precise calculation of pi!





                 C                  F (or C)       G (or G7)      Am (or C)

Singin’ n1 sine theta-sub-1, hey, hey, hey,


                 C                  F (or C)      G (or G7)         C

Equals n2 sine theta-sub-2, hip hooray!






             C                        C                       G7                          C

His greatest feat came in Sixteen Twenty-one,


               C                    Am                     G                  G7                           

When optics as science was really begun!


                  C                  Em                    F                          C

While flashes of lightning illumined his page,


             C                                       C                            G7                   C

He wrote down Snell’s law, his great gift to the age!





       C                           C                  G7                      C

So if you wear glasses or like to fry ants,


         C                            Am                      G                           G7               

Be grateful your lenses were not made by chance!


          C                   Em                           F                                   C

Astronomers hail him with each new-found star!


           C                       C                             G7                        C

Microscopists toast him from each sleazy bar!





                 C                  F (or C)       G (or G7)      Am (or C)

Singin’ n1 sine theta-sub-1, hey, hey, hey,


                 C                  F (or C)      G (or G7)         C

Equals n2 sine theta-sub-2, hip hooray!





              C                         C               G7                     C

Now some credit Harriot, others Descartes,


               C                    Am                       G                                   G7                

Both studied refraction, and both were real smart.


          C                     Em                      F                       C

But we prefer Willebrord van Roijen Snell --


          C                              C                       G7                      C

He laid down the law, and he did it darn well!





                 C                  F (or C)       G (or G7)      Am (or C)

Singin’ n1 sine theta-sub-1, hey, hey, hey,


                 C                  F (or C)      G (or G7)         C

Equals n2 sine theta-sub-2, hip hooray!





Ó 2002 Marian B. McKenzie and Walter Fox Smith