Ode on a Scottish Del

by Dr. James D. Livingston


I think that I shall never see
A poem as charged as del-dot-E
For B doth curl and E doth div
And thereby light and power give

Jim Maxwell's rules impact it all
From quasar huge to atom small
But Keats' and Shelley's poetry
Can impact only you and me

James Clerk Maxwell, his wife Katherine,
and their dog. Maxwell was well known for
talking to his dog about his scientific theories.

Learn more about some of the terms mentioned above:
Maxwell's equations, Maxwell biography (brief), Maxwell biography (full text),
"Trees" by Joyce Kilmer (the first two lines of the above parody this poem),
mp3 of "Trees", set to music by The Dead Poets
Poems by Ogden Nash (Nash wrote "Song of the Open Road", the most famous parody of "Trees")

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